Market Development Strategies and Growth Dynamics for Health Care Business Innovation Ecosystem
📙刊登處:2023 IFKAD國際學術研討會
📙作者姓名:Min-Ren Yan, Chien-Heng Chou, Chun Han Wang
The COVID-19 outbreak has exacerbated the surge in demand in the global health and nutrition market, and people are paying more attention to nutrition and functional health products. This study explores the analysis of new marketing strategies in the health nutrition market in the post-epidemic period from the perspective of systems thinking. A real word case study is presented for analysis, modelling and analysing a new marketing promotion using a simulation-based Strategic Decision Support System (SSDSS), and empirical data. In terms of scholarly contribution, the results of this study are a general validation of SSDSS that can systematically analyze the impact of strategic business innovations on healthcare promotion and business performance improvement through computer simulations and scenario developments, To identify the different stages of adopters and effective approaches, in terms of practical contributions, this study presents the dynamic background of new business development and describes the link between innovation activities and markets. Enterprises can refer to the framework and strategic framework proposed in this study to achieve their established goals and create market value.