第二曲線(Second Curve)指出了企業必須創新的道理 “WHY”。我們進一步需要解方。
亞馬遜飛輪效應(Amazon Flywheel Model)分享了企業創新系統模式的Know “HOW”。我們仍想知道明確的未來發展落點。
AI及大數據分析提供強大演算法預測未來 “WHERE”。然策略規劃需要有開放系統的人機互動決策支援。
洞察企業組織的過去和未來,我們需要從WHY, WHERE, HOW全面協助企業組織創新發展和動態經營管理。本書所介紹的創新管理思維和系統科學方法論,希望協助您發掘機會創造價值,建立共同願景,付諸創新領導實踐,鏈結城市創新與地方社會永續發展。
作者:唐妮菈.米道斯(Donella Meadows)、喬詹.蘭德斯(Jorgen Randers)、丹尼斯.米道斯(Dennis Meadows)
從 《成長的極限》到永續系統發展,國立政治大學 顏敏仁教授專文導讀。
地球環境的推背圖,半世紀前的重磅科學前瞻論著!全球暢銷超過1000萬冊,翻譯成近40種語言,千所大學指定必讀教科書 。影響聯合國永續發展政策與多國國家發展政策。ESG、SDGs時代更該回望精讀的當代生態經濟學經典。
「成長的極限」這本書源自50年前MIT科學家研究團隊用System Dynamics電腦科學模擬分析技術探討地球🌍邁向2100年的未來情境分析,成為全球第一本用科學方法分析環境風險的報告,也影響了巴黎氣候協定及聯合國永續發展相關政策,亦影響全球500強企業及歐美企業的ESG淨零轉型路徑策略管理,協助ESG上市櫃公司治理3.0和中小企業轉型升級。
Author: Dr. Min-Ren Yan
National Experts: Hideyuki EZAKI, Pei-Fang Tsai, Senthil Siva Subramanian, Plawut Wongwiwat, David Khor
While the global environment changes rapidly with advancing technologies and unpredictable factors, such as COVID-19, transformation with resilient leadership and continuous improvement remain necessary for businesses to assure adaptive capabilities and competitiveness. Transformation is a dynamic process, required for constant improvement, and transformation strategies vital for goal setting and performance management that undergo the dynamic process. A successful transformation strategy is evaluated based on the achievement of planned strategic objectives (case by case), instead of using a common standard-for-all for diverse companies in the global market. Multiple case studies presented in this publication demonstrate the strategic thinking and the rationale of transformation process instead of merely reporting the results of established companies. Why did the company adopt Industry 4.0 and its transformation? What benefits were considered when considering Industry 4.0 and the accompanying manufacturing transformations or upgrades? 15 case studies from five APO member economies (Japan, Republic of China (ROC), India, Thailand, Malaysia), showcasing different industries and resources are invaluable reference for companies that are considering their own business transformation.
Author: Dr. Min-Ren Yan
The report explores the transformative impact of COVID-19 and geopolitical shifts on global supply chains. It identifies three strategic priorities—resilience, digital transformation, and sustainability—for enhancing productivity and competitive advantage. Drawing on case studies from nine APO economies, it provides actionable insights into leveraging technology, fostering innovation, and aligning with ESG goals. The report underscores the importance of balancing short-term and long-term strategies to build efficient and sustainable supply chains amidst evolving challenges.
Author: Kim Warren
In this book Kim provides the reader with a reliable method to develop "joined up" strategies and plans for common business situations - a powerful addition to current tools and frameworks. The initial focus is on the core "strategic architecture" of the business, which explains how performance arises from its system of real elements (customers, staff, products, capacity, cash). Later chapters extend the method to deal with the quality and development of customers and other resources, competition, policy decisions, intangible factors and organizational capabilities.
The strategy dynamics method deploys the rigorous, scientific method of system dynamics - essentially the application of engineering control theory principles to social systems.
The method leads to the creation of working, quantified models of any enterprise, or any part thereof, of any scale, in any sector-or of any issue that such an enterprise may face.
Author: Dr. Eva Diedrichs (volume editor)
Editors: Alexandra Shajek, Ernst Andreas Hartmann
This open access book will give insights into global issues of work and work systems design from a wide range of perspectives. Topics like the impact of AI in the workplace as well as design for digital sovereignty at the workplace or foresight processes for digital work are covered. Practical cases, empirical results and theoretical considerations are not only taken from Germany and Europe, but also from Southeast Asia, South Africa, Middle America, and Australia. The book intends to expand the so far national view on the aspects of digital work (e.g. like in Ernst Hartmann’s immensely successful work “Zukunft der Arbeit in Industrie 4.0”) into an international context – thus showing not only common challenges, but also offering suggestions, best practice examples or thoughts from different global regions.
Author: Giovanni Schiuma
The traditional view of the relationship between business and the arts is very much a one-way affair: organisations may endorse, fund or publicise the arts but the arts have nothing to offer from a business perspective. The Value of Arts for Business challenges this view by showing how the arts, in the form of Arts-based Initiatives (ABIs), can be used to enhance value-creation capacity and boost business performance. The book introduces and explains three models that show how organisations can successfully implement and manage ABIs. Firstly, the Arts Value Matrix enables managers to see how organisational value-drivers are affected by ABIs. Secondly, the Arts Benefits Constellation shows how to assess the benefits of using ABIs. Finally, the Arts Value Map shows how ABIs can be integrated and aligned with organisational strategy and operations. These models lay the foundations for a new research area exploring the links between arts and business.
Author: Jinhyo Joseph Yun, Min-Ren Yan et al.
This book expands the concept of open innovation from a static strategic idea to a dynamic principle. It details various, underexplored aspects of this concept, including the culture for necessary open innovation dynamics, the difference between James Watt and Steve Jobs, and collective intelligence as a new category of open innovation. It specifically considers open innovation within the context of micro- and macro-dynamics of economics.
Author: Yun, JinHyo Joseph
This book reveals how open innovation utilizes the developing circle of business models to establish new ones that define a unique link between technology and markets, focusing on how to develop and maintain successful business models. It draws readers into the philosophy and economic effects of open innovation from the outset. It presents four different developing circle business models for customers in the role of consumers, entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs and engineers respectively, enabling each group to develop, utilize and enlarge creative business models, and even switch business models. In addition to these four circles, it takes a systemic approach to describe the relationship between technology and markets. From this relationship an open innovation strategy towards entrepreneurship can be adopted. From Open Innovation to a Creative Developing-Circle Business Model is an essential resource for start-up entrepreneurs, as well as for students of technology management, strategy and open innovation.